Roy Bryce Laporte

Hamilton, New York

I know that friends have been central to Sid and food central to his scholarship. I have enjoyed all three: his scholarship, his friendship, and his food preparation. And even though we have not had the frequency of visits that we once celebrated in New Haven, perhaps because of it, it was a real pleasure to enjoy the Yale celebration of our work in founding its Afro-American Studies Program since then turned Department. And as nice as it was to dine with him again, it was nothing compared to dining at his home with Jackie or for a break at that Chinese restaurant which seems to be still there in downtown New Haven.

Yes, in recent time Sid's favorite subject of study is sugar but it's surely not my favorite food. Mine is plantain. You can cook it green or ripened; boil it in or out of its skin; pound it, mash it, bake it, or roast it in or out of its skin. My favorite is "sweet" plantain, which needs no sugar nor rum. I know Sid would recommend strongly that you learn about it by doing more "fieldwork" but I say you learn to love it from "working in the field".

Best wishes to an old pal and pedagogue, who I wish will make it through one hundred. My wishes for happiness and health to my friend Jackie as well.